Innovation at SSEN Transmission

SSEN Transmission’s innovation purpose is to deliver a reliable and resilient network safer, smarter, greener, and faster.


To achieve the necessary scale of electrification required for a decarbonised world, we must embrace new methods of producing, storing, and utilising energy. This entire transformation relies heavily on a safe, secure, and reliable grid infrastructure, and innovation is the gateway to achieving net zero.

An autonomous robot scans a HVDC hall

Innovation at Work

  • Our Innovation Projects

    We’re delivering a strong portfolio of innovation projects aligned with our strategy. These projects are funded either through Ofgem’s Network Innovation Allowance, Strategic Innovation Fund, or are business-funded.

  • Policies and Strategies

    We develop a range of annual innovation policies, strategies, and reports in line with the business and industry to provide transparency of our innovation activities and meet our licenced obligations to our regulator, Ofgem.

  • Let’s Innovate Together

    We’re always on the lookout for new and innovative technologies, processes, and ideas to deliver a network for net zero. Do you have a project idea? We want to hear from you!

Our Innovation Strategy

SSEN Transmission’s Innovation Strategy acts as a guide to how we develop and implement the right innovations to assist SSEN Transmission’s transition to a low-carbon economy. It has been shaped by our stakeholders

Our vision is that everybody has the opportunity for innovative thinking and action. This strategy goes beyond the boundaries of our Innovation team, so that it lives and is embedded within the actions and behaviours of all our employees and stakeholders.  


How We Innovate

We define innovation as the successful adoption of new ideas, technologies, and processes that can materially impact our strategic goals and deliver our vision.

We’re committed to collaborating with our stakeholders, industry innovators, and other energy networks to share ideas, research new concepts for our network, and maximise the value and benefits that groundbreaking technologies can deliver.

Our strategic innovation portfolio focuses on four areas as part of our Innovation Strategy, and were identified through horizon scanning and stakeholder engagement, pinpointing opportunities where innovation can have the greatest impact. 

Thoughts from our Innovation Manager

Thanks to our innovation partnerships, we are exploring some of the most exciting projects happening across the industry to shape the future of our transmission network for generations to come. Collaboration plays a central role in how we deliver network innovation – helping us to identify new ideas, conduct research, and implement technology solutions that drive innovation and maximise our lasting impact. Join us today in delivering innovation for our network for net zero.
Alan Ritchie, Innovation Manager

Our Innovation Projects

SSEN Transmission's Innovation projects are funded in various ways, including through Ofgem's Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF), Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) or through additional external financial mechanisms. Our Innovation portfolio has a mix of projects that will explore new or novel techniques to manage the network and assist the energy system transition, with the collective goal to integrate these projects into business as usual to maximise the value of our projects and estimated benefits.

  • Our Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) Projects

    Our SIF projects are funded by network users and consumers under the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF), an Ofgem programme managed in partnership with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). SIF is designed to drive the innovation needed to transform gas and electricity networks for a low-carbon future.
  • Our Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) Projects

    Ofgem’s Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) is a set amount that each RIIO network licensee receives as part of their price control allowance. The NIA provides limited funding to RIIO network licensees to fund smaller technical, commercial, or operational projects directly related to the licensees’ network that have the potential to deliver financial benefits to the licensee and its customers.