Delivering for Nature and Net Zero on World Biodiversity Day by committing to biodiversity net gain on all our projects

A blog by Richard Baldwin, Head of Consents and Environment at SSEN Transmission

Today is World Biodiversity Day; shining a spotlight on the issues currently affecting nature across the globe. And at present, there is currently no more pressing issue facing all countries in the world than the joint environmental crisis of climate change and biodiversity decline. The challenges of which are intrinsically linked - it is not possible to solve one without the other.

It is well known that Scotland’s transmission network has a strategic role to play in supporting delivery of the UK and Scotland’s Net Zero transition, by connecting the renewable energy needed to enable our climate change targets and strengthen home grown energy security. But we’re conscious that this should not be the only driver.

We recognise that as we consult, develop and maintain the transmission network in the north of Scotland our work can interact with sensitive and precious habitats, with our network area home to some of the country’s most precious and symbolic species. With this comes a responsibility to design, build and operate our assets in a manner which protects and enhances the natural environment.

Since 2019, we have been recognized as an industry leader on our biodiversity commitments, as the first developer to consult upon and implement Biodiversity Net Gain on all new projects by 2025, committing no net loss in the lead up to this date.

As part of our commitments to leave a positive environmental legacy in the communities that host our infrastructure, and support delivery of the Scottish Government’s Biodiversity Strategy, we think it’s also vitally important to continually review current best practice to ensure our ambitions best reflect the gravity of the escalating nature challenge.

On this basis, and after conducting an extensive review, we believe we can go further on our ambitious commitments. We’re therefore proud to confirm that from today onwards we will commit to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain on all new projects from now on, two years earlier than our previous 2025 target.

Alongside this, we have also introduced a new commitment for Irreplaceable Habitats, such as Ancient Woodland and Blanket Bog. While we will always look to avoid all impacts in these sensitive habitats wherever possible, where there is an unavoidable impact we are committed to mitigate, restore more than what is lost, and enhance to support greater biodiversity growth in the long term.

So on this World Biodiversity Day, we’re pleased to be pledging our wholehearted, ongoing support in tackling the twin crisis of nature loss and climate change. By immediately adopting the above enhanced commitments, and constantly reviewing our approach to mitigating and enhancing our impact on biodiversity, we believe that we will not only play a significant role in protecting and enhancing Scotland’s natural environment, but also help to shape best practice for Nature as we deliver a network for net zero in the north of Scotland.

For further information on our environmental approach and commitments please visit: