Alternative site identified for new Lewis HVDC convertor station and substation
Selection follows community and landowner feedback over previously proposed Creed North site
SSEN Transmission identifies alternative site in area of Macaulay Farm and Stornoway Trust land on Arnish Moor
SSEN Transmission has identified an alternative site on Lewis for its proposed new HVDC convertor station and AC substation for the Western Isles HVDC link, following community feedback that led to a previous proposal being discounted.
The proposed new site - on an area of land owned by the Stornoway Trust and Macaulay Farm on Arnish Moor near Stornoway - follows a reassessment of site options after the company responded to community and landowner feedback and chose not to proceed with its original preferred site at Creed North.
The new site has been identified as the most suitable alternative location following a detailed evaluation of available options. This site selection process has sought to minimise community and landscape impacts throughout the development and operation of the project, whilst seeking to balance key environmental, technical and construction constraints.
Ongoing discussions with the Stornoway Trust and owners of Macaulay Farm have led to proposals to acquire the land needed for development. Designs are being developed to ensure minimal impact on surrounding properties and Macaulay College, a local Community Interest Company that works with students with additional support needs.
To demonstrate its commitment to provide a lasting legacy to Western Isles communities, SSEN Transmission has pledged to support Macaulay College with its plans to undertake essential building refurbishment and extension works that will create additional spaces at the college and enhance the range of activities on offer to students.
In addition, SSEN Transmission will continue to work closely with the Stornoway Trust to ensure the long awaited HVDC Connector and associated infrastructure works deliver real benefit to communities on Lewis and the Western Isles. This will include looking at environmental enhancement opportunities in the wider area.
The proposed land agreements with Stornoway Trust and Macaulay Farm enables SSEN Transmission to commence an Environmental Impact Assessment that will form a key part of the planning application for the site. Further public consultation will take place to help inform the detailed design of the Lewis Hub site, with public events being planned for September and November 2024.
Colin Bell, Lead Project Manager for SSEN Transmission, said: “My team and I are delighted to announce that we’ve identified a site for our proposed HVDC convertor station and AC substation on land partially owned by Stornoway Trust and Macaulay Farm in the northern area of Arnish Moor on Lewis.
“The decision to seek an alternative location was taken in direct response to feedback from the local community, demonstrating the value of our consultation process. We will continue to listen and work constructively with landowner groups, residents, and stakeholders as we develop the project.
“The identification of this site also allows us to support two local organisations which are already delivering benefits to the local community.
“We are delighted that this site supports the Stornoway Trust as a community landowner, while enabling connection for other developments that align with the Trust's aim to deliver significant economic benefits to the area.
“We are also thrilled to be able to support Macaulay College with the extension of their facilities and services to build on the invaluable work the college already provides. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with both organisations throughout the lifetime of the project.
“The next step is further consultation with the local community and wider stakeholders to inform the planning and development of the project, which continues to have widespread local support reflecting its importance to the development of renewable energy in and around the Western Isles, and the significant economic and job opportunities our investment will unlock.”
Rebecca Lindsay, Director at Macaulay College, said: “We feel very fortunate to have SSEN Transmission as our new neighbours. The support they have shown Macaulay College will be transformational to the services we can provide here on the Farm.
“We have been successful in raising most of the funds required to replace our dilapidated building and double our current capacity, but the funding from SSEN Transmission ensures the project will be completed.
“With SSEN Transmission’s incredible support we will also be able to develop our arts, sports and music programmes, delivering physical and mental benefits to our students who will be able to enjoy wonderful new facilities.”
Iain Maciver, from the Stornoway Trust, commented: “Having gratefully acknowledged SSEN’s decision to seek an alternative location for their 1.8GW convertor station the Stornoway Trust hope they will now be allowed to develop their chosen location in line with an already tight delivery schedule.
“Our argument for a much-needed subsea link started over a decade ago. We now hope that a consented convertor station will not only clear the way for a cable, but will enable our onshore developers to progress work on projects with the capacity to provide our community with transformational revenue streams and employment opportunities as they also try and achieve completion by the 2030 delivery date.”
The Western Isles HVDC Link will allow 1.8GW of new renewable electricity generation to connect to the electricity transmission network, helping to facilitate the transition to net zero emissions. The project is part of SSEN Transmission’s Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) programme, which feeds into a wider £20Bn package of work to upgrade the north of Scotland transmission network, known as Pathway to 2030.
The Western Isles HVDC Link will involve creating a new HVDC Converter Station and AC Substation near Stornoway, with around 81km of HVDC Subsea cable between the Isle of Lewis and Dundonnell on the Scottish mainland, followed by around 80km of onshore underground HVDC cable to a HVDC Converter station near Beauly.
The project is still in the early stages of development and subject to further consultation with the local community and other key stakeholders.
Project teams anticipate the Western Isles HVDC Link will be completed by 2030.
About the Project
In order to support the continued growth in onshore and offshore renewables across the north of Scotland, supporting the country's drive towards Net Zero, investment in network infrastructure is needed to connect this renewable power and transport it from source to areas of demand across the country.
The Western Isles is home to some of Scotland’s greatest renewable energy resources, particularly onshore and offshore wind. As the existing Western Isles electricity network is at full capacity, no new electricity generation can connect without significant network reinforcements.
This project is required to connect onshore and offshore wind in and around the Western Isles to the GB transmission system, maximising the significant renewable potential of the Western Isles, adding capacity for new connections and reducing the island's reliance on diesel-powered electricity generation.
Project Elements
- High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Converter Station and an Alternating Current (AC) Substation located near Stornoway
- Circa 4km of underground HVDC cable from the new HVDC converter station and AC substation to the landfall at Arnish Point, Stornoway
- 81km of HVDC subsea cable from Arnish Point, Stornoway to Dundonnell on the Scottish mainland
- Circa 80km of onshore underground HVDC cable from Dundonnell to a mainland HVDC Converter Station near Beauly
- A mainland HVDC Converter Station near Beauly
This video outlines how the project contributes to our role in delivering Net Zero.
Pathway to 2030
The Pathway to 2030, published by National Grid ESO, the electricity system operator for Great Britain, sets the blueprint for the electricity transmission network infrastructure required to enable the forecasted growth in renewable electricity across Great Britain.
The projects identified within the Pathway to 2030 are critical to delivering the UK and Scottish Government’s offshore wind targets. To deliver these targets, we are investing over £10bn to upgrade the network infrastructure across the north of Scotland as the region plays a leading role in the clean energy transition.
As part of this investment, there is a requirement for the Western Isles Connection Project.
How we’re embracing artificial intelligence (AI)
We intend to use AI to assist our experienced teams in the analysis of your feedback, so we can categorise key points raised more quickly. You can learn more about how we’re utilising AI on this dedicated web page.
Project Updates
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Project Documents
Western Isles PAC 2 Consultation Booklet.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 31 October 2024
- Size:
- 18.2 MB
This document provides information to our stakeholders about the project and was provided during our consultation in November 2024.
Western Isles PAC 1 Consultation Booklet - Gaelic.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 30 August 2024
- Size:
- 13.2 MB
Gaelic version of the Site Selection Consultation Document (and associated appendices/maps) explaining the project need and summarises the process which has been followed to arrive at the optimal site. It forms part of the consultation exercise which provides all interested parties with the opportunity to provide feedback.
Western Isles PAC 1 Consultation Booklet.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 22 August 2024
- Size:
- 13.5 MB
This Site Selection Consultation Document (and associated appendices/maps) explains the project need and summarises the process which has been followed to arrive at the optimal site. It forms part of the consultation exercise which provides all interested parties with the opportunity to provide feedback.
Cable Route Maps.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 22 May 2024
- Size:
- 7.4 MB
SSEN Transmission is about to start Ground Investigation works along the underground cable route for the Western Isles HVDC starting the week commencing the 27th of May 2024 for approximately 12 weeks along the A835 and A832. There will be between 3 to 4 squads working along the route at any one time and a shift pattern of 12-day fortnight from 08:00 -18:00 or till daylight hours allow. The duration of time at each location along the route will be dependent on how deep the trial pit/borehole is, but a rough estimation is between half a day and up to three days.
Western Isles Connection - Consultation and Information Booklet - November 2023
- Type:
- Date:
- 30 October 2023
- Size:
- 15.4 MB
- Type:
- Date:
- 24 October 2023
- Size:
- 78.9 KB
Western-Isles-A5-Mailer (004).pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 15 August 2023
- Size:
- 430 KB
- Type:
- Date:
- 15 April 2023
- Size:
- 18.2 MB
- Type:
- Date:
- 18 September 2022
- Size:
- 3.5 MB
Pathway to 2030 Projects - Additional Information
Who we are
About the Pathway to 2030 projects
Our approach to routeing and public consultation
Environmental considerations
Communities and landowner considerations
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Latest Links
Report on Consultation
Our Reports on Consultation across our three new overhead line projects and associated substation and convertor station developments have now been published. These reports provide a summary of the extensive feedback received during consultation, how this has been considered and confirmation of which routes and substations are now being taken forward to the next stage of development.
Our Reports on Consultation are now available to download from the Project Documentation tab.
Summary Reports on Consultation are also available for each of the three schemes and can be downloaded below:
- Summary Report on Consultation Spittal to Beauly
- Summary Report on Consultation Beauly to Peterhead
- Summary Report on Consultation Kintore to Tealing
A stakeholder webinar available for all to join will be held in the coming weeks to share the changes informed by the feedback. More information about the forthcoming webinar will be shared on our events page shortly.
In further recognition of community feedback, we will seek to rationalise cumulative infrastructure impacts through the removal and undergrounding of existing transmission lines, where technically practical and appropriate, and subject to all necessary planning consents and landowner agreements.
Work to identify and assess potential sections of existing overhead line where their removal will reduce cumulative impacts is ongoing, with an update expected as part of the next round of public consultation on overhead line alignments and more detailed substation designs in early 2024.
We would once again like to thank all stakeholders who took the time to engage with our early consultation process. We will continue to engage with stakeholders ahead of consulting further with local communities and stakeholders in the new year, as we look to refine our proposals.
Report on Consultation
Over the course of this year, we have undertaken extensive consultation on plans to upgrade the electricity transmission network across the north of Scotland and have received a considerable amount of feedback from a wide range of stakeholders regarding our proposals.
We recently advised in our next steps for 2030 network developments update that following assessment of consultation feedback and additional options analysis, we would publish our Report on Consultations (RoCs). These reports provide a summary of the feedback received and how it has been considered, which options we will take forward to the next stage of the development process and any changes to options initially consulted on.
It is our intention to publish the RoCs during the week commencing 27 November. All stakeholders signed up for updates on the project will receive a link to the report and we will also issue Summary Reports to help ensure accessibility.
These Report on Consultations mark the completion of the first round of non-statutory consultation, where we sought feedback on the corridor, route, and substation locations. We will be consulting further with local communities and stakeholders in the new year, as we look to refine the projects, therefore we welcome an open channel of communication and would like to reassure all stakeholders that there will be further opportunities to engage on this project.
Our Reports on Consultation and Summary Reports on Consultation are now available to download from the Project Documentation tab. -
SSEN Transmission sets out next steps for Pathway to 2030 network developments
We have announced our next steps for our Pathway to 2030 programme of projects. We would like to thank everyone who has engaged with our teams and kindly taken the time to respond to our consultations.
Full details of the announcement can be found here:
Next steps for Pathway to 2030